Wednesday 29 March 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy-Three

Friday 24th March 2017 - After a quite day at home yesterday, we got up today and Mummy suggested an adventure. So we got a bus and a train and ended up at Westfield. Mummy let us go wherever we wanted to we played on the mini cars and buses and ended up in the Disney store for ages
Mummy made the mistake of trying to do something for herself and looking in John Lewis. We ran away and hid in the clothes in protest and then climbed on this giant G until she agreed to take us to the park! 
Luckily the sun had come out and the Olympic park was full of things to climb on...
...and ducks to feed
We had a really brilliant afternoon

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy-Two

Thursday 23rd March 2017 - Today I was under the weather and sad because I'd missed my Mummy so she let me stay at home all day. We played games and just popped out for a bite to eat 

Saturday 25 March 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy-One

 Wednesday 22nd March 2017 - I'd drawn a picture of Mummy on our chalkboard hoping that it would make her come home quickly...
...and when I woke up in the morning, there she was. The morning started with cuddles in bed and silly games on Mummy's phone.
Mummy told us all about Belfast and she brought me home a little snow globe with a leprechaun in it

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy

Tuesday 21st March 2017 - Today Grandma Kay and Grandad Mel came to the rescue. We had a quiet, cosy day at home. Playing games...
...and building towers
We even had an umbrella picnic. The best thing for a poorly girl missing her Mummy
Luckily, Daddy said Mummy would be there as soon as I woke up tomorrow

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Nine

Monday 20th March 2017 - Today I felt a bit poorly so Cheryl snuggled me under a blanket and let me watch Trolls until my Daddy came to pick me up
He arrived with Ira and we cycled and scooted home as quickly as possible

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Eight

Sunday 19th March 2017 - Today we took Mummy to Stansted Airport as she was flying to Belfast for a conference. She said she didn't want to go but that it was important for her work. I said that we'd miss her and hoped that she comes back very soon
After waving goodbye and heading home with Daddy, we had a cosy evening in front of the tv in our pajamas until it was time for bed. Mummy 'phoned to wish us goodnight and said she'd be back in two days. I said I'd count them...

Saturday 18 March 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Seven

Saturday 18th March 2017 - Today I had my first ever ballet exam. I dressed up in a mermaid costume, with sparkles in my hair and on my face. 
I had to do some of my dance moves in front of the teachers Sarah and Lucy and another lady.
I was a bit scared at first but I did it anyway
Mummy said I looked beautiful and that she was really proud of me. 
And then she took me for pancakes to celebrate

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Six

 Friday 17th March 2017 - Today Forest Fridays started again. We were so excited. We couldn't wait to get dressed and into our wellies and forest suits. 
I was a bit upset at first when I didn't get to sit next to Ira...
...but I soon cheered up when we went on a walk to hunt for wild garlic and I found a tree to climb
We went back to the campfire and played a game of rabbit rabbit fox. Then we had a snack before choosing an activity - reading woodland books, cutting a log with a saw, playing in the woodland hammock or rolling down the hill
 There was also this tyre swing to play with
Look at me Mummy!
 After all the running around, it was back to the campfire for some well-earned marshmallows
Being at school in the forest is pretty good

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Five

Thursday 16th March 2017 - Today we went on an adventure to Spitalfields with Poppy and Riley. 
I cheered up a lot after a delicious lunch in Leon
We walked down Brick lane and across to the park
We arrived in time to explore the little farm before it closed
And then Mummy bought us ice creams as big as our heads
What else are Thursday afternoons for?

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Four

Wednesday 15th March 2017 - Scooting home to bed

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Three

Tuesday 14th March 2017 - Today was Grandma Kay and Granddad Mel Day! A quick scoot to pre-school. 
Then some sliding and skiing and running around at the park!
Before home for tea and games on the sofa - lovely fun!

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Two

Monday 13th March 2017 - Today was rainbow colours day! With Mummy's help I wore 23 different colours and patterns - amazing!
Thank you so much to everyone who sponsored me - I raised nearly £100 for my pre-school can you believe it!?

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-One

Sunday 12th March 2017 - Today we went all over the shop, Daddy bought a new chair from a trendy pair living in an industrial estate on the shores of hell and as a punishment Mummy made him go to Westfield for the afternoon. Best not to think of it, best instead to look at me in my new dress from Grandma Catherine, don't I look beautiful? 

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty

Saturday 11th March 2017 - Today, Mummy went to visit her friend Lorna in Birmingham so it fell to Daddy to look after us. "No fear!" said Daddy, who plied us with pancakes and sprinkles and was so proud of getting me ready for ballet in time that he took a picture of me looking splendid - "One for the mantlepiece..."
The less said about the difference between the time Daddy was supposed to pick me up from ballet and the time he actually rocked up the better - much more importantly after I changed we jumped in the car and headed off to Grandma Catherine and Granddad John's house! We had spaghetti for lunch and ice cream for dessert - yum!
The weather was lovely and sunny and we had a great time in the garden. We played all afternoon and then watched a movie before tea. Then Daddy took us home and we both fell fast asleep. When I woke up Mummy was there! What a splendid day, well done Daddy!

Sunday 12 March 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Nine

Friday 10th March 2017 - Today we went back to Highams Park lake to feed sweetcorn to the swans and coots. Then we bumped into lots of my old nursery friends and had an impromptu play date in the park, which was great fun.

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Eight

 Thursday 9th March 2017 - Spring is here and Mummy picked me, Poppy and Riley up from preschool. Cheryl was working so she decided to take us all for lunch in the pub. Actually, we suggested the pub and told everyone at preschool that was where we were going. Mummy didn't mind because she got to drink her lime and soda in the sun...
...and we got to play together in the playground

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Seven

Wednesday 8th March 2017 - Today was International Women's Day. Through the use of clever snapchat filters, Mummy told me about some of the inspirational women of the past. Like Frida Kahlo...
...and Rosa Parks. 
And Mummy told me a bit about what she did for a job.
I still want to be a princess though.

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Six

Tuesday 7th March 2017 - Today the sun came out and so Grandma and Grandad braved the park with our scooters. We zoomed off down the road and started climbing as soon as we arrived
Grandma was very surprised to see how easily we could walk up the big slide
In fact, there's not much I can't climb now that I'm 4
But it was nice to have a little rest in my favourite tunnel

Saturday 11 March 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Five

Monday 6th March 2017 - Mummy asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, just in case I'd changed my mind. But no, I still want to be a princess

Sunday 5 March 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Four

Sunday 5th March 2017 ~ After yesterday's cake-fuelled adventures out and about, today we decided to stay at home and while Daddy did some DIY, Mummy and Ira and me had fun in the kitchen, not with cake but with biscuits! First we rolled the the dough, then we carefully cut out the biscuit shapes - I liked the starts and snowflakes best.

Once they'd been in the oven for a little bit, we took them out and left them to cool before covering them with icing and sprinkles. Ira, of course, just couldn't wait.

But let me tell you, the only thing that tastes better than a home baked biscuit, is a home baked biscuit covered in icing and sprinkles - yum!