Sunday 31 May 2015

Day One Thousand and Eight

Thursday 28th May 2015 ~ Today Ira and me went with Mummy to have a look at an office in the City. Then she took us to see St Paul's Cathedral. I've been asking about Cathedrals since watching Mary Poppins and listening to Mummy sing Feed the Birds at bed time. Mummy said it was a big church but I didn't realise how big it would be. Unfortunately we didn't see any birds being fed...
...but we did go inside. Mummy wasn't allowed to take photos but she sneaked this one of me having an explore

Day One Thousand and Seven

 Wednesday 27th May 2015 ~ Today we got a train and a bus and went to the Waterworks Nature Reserve near the Lee Valley. Grandma said I'd been here before when I was little but I didn't remember it. It was full of ponds with ducks and croaking frogs and meadows full of wild flowers...
We met Henry and had a picnic on the grass and ran around and played all day
I even made friends with a Red Admiral butterfly!

Saturday 30 May 2015

Day One Thousand and Six

Tuesday 26th May 2015 ~ It was so good to see my Grandma and Grandad again. They arrived and got straight to work in the garden (after a cup of tea of course). I helped Grandad fix the washing line...
...and we had lunch together on my boat. Being back isn't so bad at all!

Day One Thousand and Five

Monday 25th May 2015 ~ This morning, once we were all packed and ready to go, there was time for a last play in Kids club with Archie...
...we had fun together but then it was time to say goodbye to the Melia Dunas and begin the long journey home
Archie and me were sad to be going home...
...but the journey was more fun with him there
Once we got onto the aeroplane, it was up, up and away, through the clouds and across the sky towards London and home. Goodbye Cape Verde, see you again soon one day

Day One Thousand and Four

Sunday 24th May 2015 ~ Today was our last day of holiday (sob) so we made sure we did all of my favourite things. The day started with a play in Kids Club. I was shopkeeper and Archie built me a shop!
I was at the counter serving and Archie brought me the food. He'd built me a microphone so the customers could hear me.
Then Archie wanted to be at the counter too so we had to build another microphone. 
Next please!
We went for lunch together with our Mummies and Daddies. We got bored of sitting at the table so went for a catch up...
...and went looking for bugs in the grass
Archie knew lots of things about nature and drains. Hosepipes are his favourite thing. When he grows up, he wants to be a hosepipe manager. I want to be a shopkeeper.
After lunch we had our last swim and play in the pirate ship pool
Weeee.... splash!
 Here's a lovely photo taken by the hotel photographer on our last night. I was very tired by this point.. can you tell?
And here's a photo of me and my Mummy having our last cocktail by the beach as the sun set
I'm sad to be going home

Day One Thousand and Three

Saturday 23rd May 2015 ~ Today we went to Aqua (the Mediterranean restaurant) for lunch
Then I had a run around on the grass
This evening we met Archie on the way to dinner, just as the sun was going down
We had a play outside with my nursery monkey
Where's Clara and Archie?
Here we are - being rascals by the bridge
And here we are posing for a photograph
Butter wouldn't melt!
At dinnertime, I sat at Archie's table with his Mummy and Daddy. It was the first time I didn't follow Mummy around the restaurant all evening. I think she was probably a bit sad.

Day One Thousand and Two

Friday 22nd May 2015 ~ This morning I went to the park with Archie. I'd been wanting to see him since the mini disco on Wednesday night (and actually said loudly "I want to see my boyfriend!") so I was really happy
We had a great time playing on the castle rope bridge...
Archie told me how to climb and made sure that I didn't fall down
For lunch, we walked to a restaurant called Ponta Preta and had fish and octopus 
It was right on the edge of the most beautiful beach
I couldn't wait to go and play
This was my train...
Choo choo.. tickets please! 
Daddy came aboard and I took him for a ride up the coast
And Mummy and me went for a run around on the sand
In the evening, after dinner, I saw Archie again at the mini disco
We danced together on the stage
Mummy and Daddy were really impressed with our dancing!
After a while, we got bored and made our own game of running down the stairs and hiding under the stage when the music stopped
I had such a great time
After the disco, we stayed up late and had slushies and popcorn
Mummy said it was like a mini holiday romance but I don't know what she means. Love my new friend Archie

Day One Thousand and One

Thursday 21st May 2015 ~ This morning Daddy took me to the Castle playground where I played on the swing...
...and went down the slide. I'm getting so good at climbing
 At lunchtime it got a bit chilly because of the wind so I wore my brother's monster t shirt. Don't I look beautiful?
And then we went for a swim, followed by a babyccino by the pool. I could get used to this!
In the evening we went to the Mini Disco. I went up and danced on the stage for the first time