Wednesday 31 July 2013

Day Three Hundred and Forty-One

Wednesday 31st July 2013 ~ Today Mummy took me to messy play at the library. I didn't love the plastic overall..
...but I had a great time playing...
...and making new friends

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Day Three Hundred and Forty

Tuesday 30th July 2013 ~ Today Mummy took me to see Blancanieves ~ a weird and wonderful black and white silent movie remake of Snow White. It was beautiful to watch and, at times, eerie and strange. Snow White and the dwarves were very good at bullfighting, which Mummy says isn't in the original story. The ending made me sad. 8/10

Monday 29 July 2013

Day Three Hundred and Thirty-Nine

Monday 29th July 2013 ~ Today I went round to play with my boyfriend Eddie-Frank. We had a brilliant time in his playroom.
Here's me in his walker smiling like a cheeky rascal...
...and here's me crawling through a tunnel!
We even went for a long walk in the woods and I got to hold Mummy's umbrella when it rained.
I had such a good time...
...but I was happy to get home to my bath with Daddy

Sunday 28 July 2013

Day Three Hundred and Thirty-Eight

 Sunday 28th July 2013 ~ Today Mummy, Daddy and me went to Mudchute farm. I saw lots of animals I'd never seen before like chipmunks...
...and this ferret who came to say hello!
After the farm we walked through a long tunnel under the river from Millwall to Greenwich. It was really cold and a bit scary.
When we got through the other side there was a big ship Mummy said was called the Cutty Sark. Here's me with my handsome Daddy. I didn't feel much like having my photo taken...
We went for Sunday lunch and I had fun making friends with people in the pub though.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Day Three Hundred and Thirty-Seven

Saturday 27th July 2013 ~ Today was Esme cat's 5th birthday so I gave her some treats...
...I tried to give her a big birthday cuddle too
I love Esme cat!

Friday 26 July 2013

Day Three Hundred and Thirty-Six

 Friday 26th July 2013 ~ Today Mummy and me went to meet Grandma, Grandad and my cousins Levi and Ferdi in the science museum
I had a great time playing with my cousins...
...I wasn't really keen on smiling for a group photo though
We went to the launchpad. Lev loved the dry ice...
...and I loved the bubbles
I could see right through them to the other side
Here's me with my Grandma when the bubbles went away
And here's me with Grandma, Mummy and Lev in front of the temperature sensor
Here I am learning about science...
...and here's Levi showing me how it's done
After the museum Mummy, Daddy and me went for a long walk along the river before bed. 
What a brilliant day.

Thursday 25 July 2013

Day Three Hundred and Thirty-Five

 Thursday 25th July 2013 ~ Today Mummy took me to the baby group at Leytonstone Library. It was a little boy's first birthday and so he had a little party with cake and balloons and party bags. I really enjoyed the baby carrot cake...
...and the raisins too
In fact, I didn't do much playing at all! 

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Day Three Hundred and Thirty-Four

Wednesday 24th July 2013 ~ Today we had lunch and spent the afternoon at Henry's house as it was Eddie-Frank's mummy's birthday...
Our Mummies had this delicious cake...
...and we had mini gingerbread men. Delicious!

Day Three Hundred and Thirty-Three

Tuesday 23rd July 2013 ~ Over the past few days I've got really good at standing up. "Good standing, good standing" says Mummy.

Monday 22 July 2013

Day Three Hundred and Thirty-Two

Monday 22nd July 2013 ~ After a really busy weekend, it was good to have a lazy day in front of the tv with Marianne

Sunday 21 July 2013

Day Three Hundred and Thirty-One

Sunday 21st July 2013 ~ Today we went to Colchester zoo for Grandad's birthday. Here's Grandad and me looking at some fishes.
And here's me with Grandad and my cousins Levi and Ferdi in the reptile house...
...and us looking at the penguins
Ferdi doesn't really like having his photo taken but here he is. And Grandma too!
We saw lots of different animals but I had the most fun playing with my cousins and Grandad...
...oh and Grandma too. Here's Grandma playing peekaboo!
Mummy let Levi take a photo with her camera and here's the one he took of us.
We all stopped for a picnic lunch. Mummy and Daddy made Grandad a birthday cake. I'm hiding in the background eating all the delicious. 
I hope Grandad had a good birthday.

Day Three Hundred and Thirty

Saturday 20th July 2013 ~ Today, Mummy and Daddy took me to Rochester for a party to celebrate Grandma Catherine's birthday. Lot's of people came - here's me sitting nicely with my cousins Isabelle and little baby Lois.
And here's my uncles Ed and Ben. Don't they look handsome?
Isabelle and I had lots of fun together. First, we played inside on the rug.
And then we went out into the garden for a go on the swing - look how exciting it was.
I also had a go in Isabelle's racing car - here's me with Mummy 
And here's me with Daddy and Ruby having a lovely time.
I had great fun playing with cousin James too - Daddy says he's growing up to be a real rascal.
After lots cake and signing Happy Birthday and crawling around, Daddy said it was time we were making tracks for bed. There was just time for one last picture with Mummy, Aunt Veronica and Cousin Lois - as you can seen I was pretty sleepy by then!