Tuesday 30 April 2013

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Nine

Tuesday 30th April 2013 ~ Today was very strange. Mummy went out to work and Daddy stayed at home to look after me.
First, we went to the cinema, to see a movie called the Croods. I was pretty excited to begin with and really liked all the colours and sounds, but after a while I got tired of all the commotion and decided to have a little nap instead. I think from what I saw I'd say it was pretty looking, but familiar, noisy, but not exciting enough to keep me awake.
 After my nap we went off for a long walk to Victoria Park.
I sat on my rug and had a lovely time eating my lunch and trying to eat the grass. 
I saw ducks and lots of people out playing in the sunshine. It was nice to have an audience!
Soon it was getting late and Daddy said it was time to be making tracks. We stopped off for a go on the swings before we got home, but by then I was tired of being outside and was really looking forward to seeing Mummy again. I was very happy when she came home!

Monday 29 April 2013

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Eight

Monday 29th April 2013 ~ Today I had so much fun playing in my friend Marianne's jumperoo
Look how happy I am...

Sunday 28 April 2013

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Seven

 Sunday 28th April 2013 ~ Today I went to London zoo with Mummy, Daddy and Uncle Ed. I saw lots of animals I'd never seen before...
Giant Tadpoles
(here's me and Mummy in the giraffe house)
Really big butterflies and moths...
...which were flying around our heads!
Lots of little monkeys...
...scampering around
(this little monkey almost got in my pushchair!)
Fruit bats

Some really unusual birds
And lions too
(here's one eating Uncle Ed)
I had a brilliant day and I hope we can come back again soon

Saturday 27 April 2013

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Six

Saturday 27th April 2013 ~ Today was very relaxing. It started with a lovely breakfast and then a trip to the swimming pool. On the way home we had some lunch and then Mummy and Daddy took me shopping. When we got home I played with my shakers and danced to some funny music. I was so relaxed I drifted right off to sleep without a peep...

Friday 26 April 2013

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Five

 Friday 26th April 2013 ~ Today I went to Hackney City Farm with my friends Herbie, Kit and Gracie
I saw some chickens...
Two donkeys...
Three white geese...
Two goats...
A big stinky old pig...
Some little lambs...
Lots of Indian Runner Ducks...
and some more chickens!
It was a little bit noisy and overwhelming at times, especially when all the ducks and chickens were running around my pushchair...
...but I had lots of fun too!

Thursday 25 April 2013

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Four

 Thursday 25th April 2013 ~ This morning I had fun playing on the carpet with Mummy. It was so warm outside that I didn't even have to wear clothes!
This afternoon I hung out in Westfield with Uncle Ellis. Look how Rock 'n Roll we are

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Three

Wednesday 24th April 2013 ~ Today I went to have lunch and play in my boyfriend Eddie-Frank's garden. My best friend Marianne was there too and we had a great time...
Here's me touching Eddie-Frank's bum after he fell over. He's not as good at sitting up as me but he's just as good at eating and even better at crawling backwards
We had a lot more fun when our mums weren't all making a noise and pointing a camera at us...
We'd had enough and Eddie-Frank wanted his afternoon nap
I was pretty sad when his Mummy took him away...
...but Marianne and I decided to give a little smile to the camera so our Mummies would let us carry on playing

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Two

Tuesday 23rd April 2013 ~ Today I sat on some grass and discovered how lovely it was. I enjoyed pulling it out and even tried to eat some
I had fun playing with Grandad on the grass...
...and when Grandad had an afternoon nap, I still had fun
Then I had some more fun in a swing
In fact, I spent much of today laughing and smiling, even in the supermarket
And before we went home, we went to see my tree, which has started blossoming. So many things to be happy about.