Monday 31 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-Eight

Saturday 29th October 2016 - Today we did a lot of playing and dressing up at Grandma and Grandad's house. I showed them my new halloween cat outfit and did some dancing with my tap shoes on their kitchen floor. They made a great noise
Ed and Amy arrived in the afternoon and I drew this brilliant picture in Uncle Ed's birthday card

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-Seven

Friday 28th October 2016 - Today we went to Southend with Penny and her Mummy Beatrice and we met my Grandma and Grandad. We had fish and chips on the beach. I fed my chips to the starlings but the seagulls kept swooping down and eating them
We walked up to Adventure Island where Mummy bought us a wristband so we could go on the rides. I am one metre and 4cm now so I could go on a lot of the big rides
Mummy and I want on the crocodile rollercoaster and we were lucky enough to get the seat right at the front. 
Look at the amazing view from the top
Mummy and I snuck away while Ira played in the soft play area with Grandad. We shared some candy floss on the big wheel...
...and saw this gorgeous sunset over the sea
And then it was time to go back to Grandma and Grandad's for tea, a bath and bed

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-Six

Thursday 27th October 2016 - We went to Tesco for lunch and pumpkins and came back with this Halloween cat outfit. It's not very scary but Mummy said I looked so cute in it. Miaow!
My friend Herbie came to play. We helped Mummy empty out the pumpkins...
 and then chose designs for her to carve. Bet you know which one mine is?
Herbie's was much scarier 

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-Five

Wednesday 26th October 2016 - Today started with Ira and I drawing on our chalkboard. Here's my brilliant drawings of Daddy and Ira. I'm getting so good at drawing people
I spent most of the day with Poppy, Riley and their two cousins Aiden and Louis. We had so much fun together

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-Four

Tuesday 25th October 2016 - Today I was princess Anna...
...having cuddles with my Grandma

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-Three

Monday 24th October 2016 - Today I went to Westfield with Eddie, Nancy and their Mummy Natalie. I was so excited to see Eddie again. We did a bit of shopping...
..and then went to the cinema to see Trolls

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-Two

Sunday 23rd October 2016 - Today was Uncle Ed's birthday. We didn't see him but we did send him a Happy Birthday video
We very much had a lazy Sunday inside in the warm, with games and duplo and lots of television 
I helped Daddy make dinner too

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-One

Saturday 22nd October 2015 - Mummy and I went to a Charleston dancing workshop in Walthamstow this morning but I didn't much enjoy it. Maybe because Mummy really loved it and didn't stop dancing and pay me attention!
The highlight of my Saturday was making crispie cakes with Daddy and Ira

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty

Friday 21st October 2016 - Today Ira started to feel really poorly so I went out with Cheryl and Poppy and Riley to a soft play place called the Firehouse Fun Factory
I told Cheryl that Mummy said I could have a slushie
And I had so much fun with my friends 

Friday 21 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Nineteen

Thursday 20th October 2016 - Today Ira woke up with chicken pox so after preschool this morning, we spent the rest of the day at home playing with Poppy and Riley

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Eighteen

Wednesday 19th October 2016 - Today after preschool, I tried on the ballet outfit Mummy bought me. And my new tap shoes too...
I tap, tap, tapped across the house 

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventeen

Tuesday 18th October 2016 - Another great afternoon at home with Grandma and Grandad. Today we played with the play doh...
...and made dresses for my dollies

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixteen

Monday 17th October 2016 - Monday Monday

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifteen

Sunday 16th October 2016 - After the excitement of yesterday, we decided to have a lazy day at home today. We played games and built houses out of duplo and built towers for Ira to knock over. And Daddy made a roast dinner. It was the perfect Sunday

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Fourteen

Saturday 15th October 2016 - Today I went to a second trial session of a ballet and tap class. Mummy said if I was sure I liked it, I could go every week and she'd buy me the outfit and shoes. I loved it
Afterwards we met Daddy and Ira and went on the cable car...
...for an amazing view across London 
...and then for lunch at pizza express in the O2 centre
We caught a boat on the Thames to Greenwich...
...where we scooted and cycled through a tunnel under the Thames...
...and headed back on the DLR. What a day!

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Thirteen

Friday 14th October 2016 - Today Mummy had to go to work so Daddy took us to Grandma Catherine and Grandad John's...
...We had so much fun!

Sunday 16 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Twelve

Thursday 13th October 2016 - Today I told Mummy that I really wanted to go to that museum with the scary bit.. it turns out I meant sailor town in the Museum of London Docklands. Mummy thought that sounded like an excellent idea so we got a bus and two trains and arrived just in time for lunch. There was a new pirate ship and dressing up clothes too...
...arrrggghhhhh me hearty! I had a most excellent day

Saturday 15 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Eleven

Wednesday 12th October 2016 - Today I felt a lot better and since all my chicken pox spots were scabbed over, Lisa told Mummy it was ok for me to go back to preschool. And I was really excited about going, especially as I got to have lunch there. Everyone was happy to see me again. And Daddy picked me up at 3 o clock.

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Ten

Tuesday 11th October 2016 - Today Ira was silly... but I was super girl. And feeling a lot better...
...though still happy to stay at home in the warm and watch tv

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Nine

Monday 10th October 2016 - I was still recovering from chicken pox so no preschool for me today. Instead I stayed at home with Mummy and we played games - snakes and ladders, Guess Who and making necklaces with beads. And at lunchtime, Grandma Poppins arrived to play with me all afternoon

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Eight

Sunday 9th October 2016 - It was Ira's birthday today! He's two years old, which makes him almost half as old as me, but not so old that his big sister can't help him open his presents.
After yesterday's hullabaloo, it was nice just to hang out today, we played Humpty Dumpty on the sofa, built a castle out of cushions...
And had a great time feeding the ducks in the park, at least that is until it started to rain.
Here's a picture of me, just before it started raining, watching Ira run off into the woods. That's right Ira, I've got my eye on you! Make sure you stay out of mischief, or at least let me know so I can join in too.