Monday 17 June 2013

Day Two Hundred and Ninety-Seven

 Monday 17th June 2013 ~ This morning, bright and early before breakfast, we went for a swim. We had the whole swimming pool to ourselves!
I wore my wetsuit and practised swimming underwater with Daddy...
...and I practised floating on my back with Mummy
After breakfast, we had a look around Ickworth House - upstairs and downstairs. Some of it was interesting, but I got bored of big paintings and bits of old furniture...
I had much more fun in the walled garden. Here's me in a meadow of wild flowers.
And here's my view from the bank of the lake
We saw the summerhouse, where I sat on the grass...
...It's been another great day.
I was sad to leave but so happy to be back home with all my toys and Esme cat.

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