Saturday 8 June 2013

Day Two Hundred and Eighty-Eight

Saturday 8th June 2013 ~ Today my very first postcard arrived from Aunt Nelia who is on holiday in Spain...
...she sent me this beautiful dress (with matching knickers!) I can't wait until I'm big enough to wear it. For the time being I decided just to enjoy the tissue paper.
After swimming Mummy, Daddy and me went on a long walk from Green Park to London Bridge...
...I got bored of my pushchair so Mummy and Daddy carried me
We saw a naked cycle ride on Westminster Bridge
People were campaigning for the reduction of the use of oil
Luckily I was asleep for most of it!
Here's a nicer picture of me having an afternoon snack with Daddy outside the Tate Modern
Today has been a great adventure. I was definitely ready for bed when we got home.

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