Sunday 12 May 2013

Day Two Hundred and Sixty-One

 Sunday 12th May 2013 ~ Today Mummy, Daddy, Aunt Nelia, Grandad Mel, Grandma Kay and me went to Aunt Veronica and Uncle Rob's baby shower. Here's me getting ready for the party
 There was lots of delicious party food
...and Mummy made some cake pops for Aunt Veronica and Uncle Rob that looked like babies. I tried to eat one but I wasn't allowed
I had a lovely time seeing lots of people again. Here's me looking happy with my Daddy
Here's me with cousin Isabelle...
...and my friend Eli
I had lots of fun with Grandma Kay, who took me for a walk around the Nature reserve
...and with Grandad Mel who played with me and took me away for my afternoon nap
...and when I got cold, Uncle Ed gave me a snuggly blanket. 

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