Friday 3 May 2013

Day Two Hundred and Fifty-Two

 Friday 3rd May 2013 ~ Today me and Mummy went to Kew Gardens with Uncle Ellis
It was full of beautiful trees in blossom...
...and flowers too
Here's me and Mummy next to a Magnolia tree*
[*it's Grandad Mel's fault I'm not wearing my sun hat]
I tried grabbing the flowers but couldn't quite reach
We sat on the grass and had a picnic
...and Uncle Ellis made me a daisy-chain crown
He said I was a princess!
Mummy went on the treetop walkway (and here's the view). Buggies weren't allowed... I stayed with Uncle Ellis
Mummy took photographs of us from the top. Here's Uncle Ellis showing me an aeroplane in the sky.
Here's a photograph of us when Mummy was halfway down...
...if you look closely, you can see me waving!
It was a great day out.

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