Thursday 9 May 2013

Day Two Hundred and Fifty-Eight

 Thursday 9th May 2013 ~ Today began with me trying to crawl. I didn't get very far, though did manage to shuffle ever so slightly backwards. You can see a video of me here:


Then I spent some time playing with my new balloon, which was much more fun
Grandma Kay and Grandad Mel arrived and after lunch, we all went to IKEA. Here's me having fun with my Grandad and a big cuddly dog!
Mummy bought me a new bunny for my cot (no, not this, this is a big old Hare!)
Grandad and Mummy had apple cake and I had jelly (for the very first time)
I had a nap in the car and when we got home, we had more fun before my bath. I can clap and wave hello now.
What a great day...

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