Tuesday 16 April 2013

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Three

 Sunday 14th April 2013 ~ This morning I wore the first dress Mummy and Daddy bought for me before I was born. Don't I look pretty? Here I am playing in my tent again.
Today it's Mummy and Daddy's first Wedding Anniversary. To celebrate, we went to Hersonnisos and had lunch in a fish restaurant by the sea
I tried calamari and shrimps and chips too...
It was delicious!
Daddy even let me wear his hat
Here are all of us together next to the restaurant
Mummy said Hersonnisos had been ruined by tourism but I thought it still looked pretty
We went back to the hotel for a relax. Here's the view from next to our room.
In the evening, we went out for a stroll as the sun set

What a beautiful view

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