Tuesday 30 April 2013

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Nine

Tuesday 30th April 2013 ~ Today was very strange. Mummy went out to work and Daddy stayed at home to look after me.
First, we went to the cinema, to see a movie called the Croods. I was pretty excited to begin with and really liked all the colours and sounds, but after a while I got tired of all the commotion and decided to have a little nap instead. I think from what I saw I'd say it was pretty looking, but familiar, noisy, but not exciting enough to keep me awake.
 After my nap we went off for a long walk to Victoria Park.
I sat on my rug and had a lovely time eating my lunch and trying to eat the grass. 
I saw ducks and lots of people out playing in the sunshine. It was nice to have an audience!
Soon it was getting late and Daddy said it was time to be making tracks. We stopped off for a go on the swings before we got home, but by then I was tired of being outside and was really looking forward to seeing Mummy again. I was very happy when she came home!

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