Saturday 20 April 2013

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine

 Saturday 20th April 2013 ~ Coming back from holiday is difficult. But instead of dwelling on the post-holiday blues, I made the most of getting back into my old routines. Here's me brushing my teeth on Mummy and Daddy's bed...
...and playing with my toys in the living room while Mummy and Daddy made me breakfast
 We went to a cafe in Higham's Park and I realised that it was possible to make friends at home too...
This nice lady in the background smiled at me and asked what my name was. She said that Clara was the name of the little girl from the Nutcracker and Mummy said that she knew and that was why she chose it.
We went for a long walk in the wood. I was happy to see that Mr Sun had arrived here too...
...but I spent quite a bit of time sleeping and recovering from all my adventures on holiday

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